Author Archives: Kevin Lavigne

February 2018

This Month’s Agenda:

Welcome: Doug Davis,
President Keystone Woodturners
Brief notes of interest to all members.

Jim Kelly – Prepare to Dye!

Some people are afraid to dye. Some people want to dye, but don’t know if they can do it. Some people go their whole life without dying. It doesn’t have to be that way. Jim Kelly has taught himself how to dye and has dyed dozens of times. He has learned that with proper preparation, dying can be pleasant, rewarding and satisfying. Jim wants to show you that dying is much easier than you think. Yes, you can dye too!

Show and Tell

Bring in your latest turned item and tell the members about it. Wood type, finish, and any challenges you had with the piece are of interest to us all. We all enjoy hearing about our members’ turned items. And seeing what you’ve accomplished often gives the rest of us ideas to try as well.


Have something that you no longer need, use, or that’s just cluttering-up your shop (or maybe your liquor cabinet?) Bring it in for the raffle! Surely, someone will see its value just the way you once did.


First Quarter 2018 Community Service Project….Beads of Courage lidded boxes.

Again, in 2018, we will be donating lidded boxes for the Beads of Courage project at A.I DuPont Children’s Hospital. We had over whelming appreciation from both the children and staff for our donation earlier this year. We are planning the presentation in March 2018. If you have questions please speak with Bernie Brownstein (Project Chairman) and/or check this website:
The bowls can be built from solid wood blanks, from various types of segmented bowls (our web site has an article on this under the Projects Tab) or by gluing boards together. If anyone wants to make a Beads of Courage bowl and needs a solid blank they can contact Bob Zrebiec ([email protected]) and he can give you one of the few suitable ones he has.

Tylersport carving and woodturning show

March 2, 3 and 4.
Come out and see some great turning and carving. Our club will have a booth so stop by. Several of our members will be demonstrating (Anthony “
Yak” Yakonick, Mike Kuterbach and Carol Hall ) so check the schedule and show your support. We would like to showcase as much of our members work as possible at our booth, so bring in your pieces this coming meeting and Doug will take them to the show. They will be returned at the March meeting.
Be sure your pieces have your name on them!
Wrap them to prevent damage as they will all travel in one or two boxes.
They will be available to pick up by the March meeting.

We would like as many members as possible to help out at the booth. This mostly means hanging out and talking to other turners and carvers about whatever so no special skills needed.

The show is at Tylersport Fire Hall, 125 Ridge Rd, Tylersport, PA
And there’s a coupon!

Boyertown Multi Service Center

We received a thank you note from the Boyertown Multi Service for our Christmas tree donation. With our help, they raised $18,496.11! Thanks to all who turned ornaments and thanks to Rob Schaefer for his leadership!

Wharton Esherick

The theme this year is stools, and
entries will be accepted until
July 1, 2018. Here’s the link to
details on their website:

Video of the month:

Lathe Shield / Library Display

Bob Zrebiec has build a lathe shield for use during our demonstrations and it will be in place this month. We have had a great safety record and the shield should help us maintain that. Besides a large plexiglass window, the shield features a shelf for display of the demonstrator’s items and also two shelves on which DVD’s and books from our Club Library will be displayed. If you see any you like you can take them home with you till our next meeting by signing them out in our Library Record Book. There is no charge for this service but please bring the items borrowed back undamaged for the next meeting so that others can borrow them. A complete list of the contents of our library can be found on our website under the Resources tab.

2018 Annual Dues Collection

The Treasurer will began collecting the 2018 dues at the November meeting. Unfortunately, during the past few years, the dues collecting process has gone well into the summer. This year, dues will be collected only up to the March meeting. If your dues are not paid by the March meeting, you will be dropped from the active members list. If you are unable to attend this month’s meeting, please mail your dues to our Treasurer Bob Zrebiec at 15 Carrie Lane, Malvern, PA. Checks should be addressed to The Keystone Woodturners.

Annual dues will remain the same as the past 5 years at $20 per person and $30 per family.
This is without a doubt an exceptional value, considering what the club offers to its members. Please help the club by paying your dues early (and often).

Check out the library

The club’s library is a great no-cost resource; want to see what’s in the library? Clink the link below to the website and resources section for books and DVD’s. The books and DVD’s can be checked out by contacting Rich Marcinek at [email protected]
Keystone Woodturners Library

Wondering why your images aren’t displayed in the website gallery?

It is simply because you haven’t sent your pictures to Mark Hall.

The Gallery is designed to display your work. Mark Hall will be happy to create a “shelf” for your work but the images must first be sent to Mark at [email protected]

Keystone Woodturners Members’ Gallery

Meeting updates during winter weather

Winter’s coming with possible snow and unsafe driving conditions. This, of course, brings the chance of cancelling a meeting. To get the most up-to-date details about the meeting status check the club’s Facebook Page. It’s the most updated resource. Here is the Facebook link: Keystone Woodturners Facebook.

If there is snow on the ground, but driving conditions are still safe, parking along the driveway to Joe’s shop, particularly for late arrivals, may be limited and slippery. There’s a risk of finding no parking or, even worse, getting stuck on the driveway. Please consider car pooling and parking at the Seven Stars Inn Restaurant. The restaurant is only a mile or so from the shop and it has a large, level parking lot open to club members..
The Inn is located at 263 Hoffecker Road, Phoenixville, PA.

Upcoming Events

February 2018

  • February 21, 2018, Keystone Woodturners meeting. Jim Kelly is “Dyeing” to show us his favorite skill

March 2018

  • March 2-4, 2018, Tylersport carving and woodturning show
  • March 21, 2018, Keystone Woodturners meeting. Barbara Dill Demo – multi axis turning!

We welcome suggestions and items for the newsletter.
If you are scheduled for a show or displaying your work somewhere, let us know so we can add it to the newsletter.

Kevin Lavigne, Secretary [email protected]
Tom Sell, Assistant Secretary [email protected]