Author Archives: Kevin Lavigne

December 2018

Elections were in November!
Tim Kravatz is our new VP and Gary Johnson is our new Treasurer
Thanks again to our out-going officers, Danielle Barbour and Bob Zrebiec who have both given stellar service.


Next Meeting, Wednesday, 
December 19th, 2018 @ 7:00PM

The December meeting will be our anual Christmas party, no show and tell, raffle or demo. Just food, friends and of course, our gift exchange.
Please bring a gift to exchange in a small brown paper bag.
Also bring a food and/or beverage item to share.

Presidents Challenge!!!

Ornaments are In! I cant wait to see the decorated tree!
The tree these are all for will be lit on Fri. Dec 7 at 3:00 pm.
You can view the trees Friday until 9 pm and Saturday 10 am until 2 pm

The event is at Boyertown Multi Services at:
200 W Spring St, Boyertown.
You can buy tickets to win our tree or any other that you choose.
Drawing on Saturday at 2 pm.
Our tree is the best but the others are pretty nice also!

First quarter 2019 Presidents Challenge!

The Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation,  a non-profit historical organization near Newtown Square, to whom the Club has offered help in the past, had a 250 year Sycamore tree fall during the last storm.  The fallen tree has prevented safe access to the Plantation entrance and resulted in the closing the site for several weeks.   In addition to the loss of revenue,  the substantial tree removal cost has severely strained their budget and their Director has asked if the Keystone Woodturners could help in some way.  The Plantation would like to offer bowls we’ve made from the wood of this historic tree to twenty or so of their largest donors as they solicit funds from the community to help cover the costs of the tree’s removal. Use your imagination,  bowl, hollow form, vase, or box the Plantation will use our donations in some form to off set the cost of the tree removal.   Your turned Sycamore items will be due April 2019.


With the approval of the Keystone Woodturners’ Board, it’s been decided that we will provide turned bowls from the fallen tree as a Presidents Challenge for the Spring of 2019.  The wood, in the form of pre-split logs, will be distributed at the next two meetings and our members, we hope, will rough-turn the wood, allow it to dry, and finish-turn in late spring.  The bowls will be collected at a spring meeting devoted to comparing the creativity, forms, and uniqueness of our members’ talents, all using the same wood. The finished bowls will then be presented to the Plantation for them to distribute to their major donors. As mentioned at the October meeting Jennifer Green, director of the Farm, will provide a one day pass for four to all who donate a Sycamore item 


Wood from the Plantation will be available at the October and November meeting.  Here is the first load cut.

There are still a few more pieces of Sycamore logs available outside Joe McCann’s shop!

Club Membership Updates

2019 Club dues are well, DUE…..

Dues collection began at the November meeting and will be collected only up to the March Meeting.  If your dues are not paid by the March meeting, you will be dropped from the active members list.. Club Dues remain at $ 20 with a special family rate of $ 30. Members joining in November or December have their dues payment credited as 2019 dues. Dues can be paid at the regular Club meetings to Bob Zrebiec Treasurer Keystone Woodturners. Dues can be paid in cash or check, with checks addressed to Keystone Woodturners. 


The Club will be issuing its next membership Directory in December. This directory will have all member contact information plus a picture of each member. With this directory you can use it or your smartphone to scroll through members names and pictures. This will make it easier for members to recognize one another as our nameplates can be difficult to see at times. We are currently missing pictures for 6 of our 70 members. If you have received an email from Bob Zrebiec requesting a picture please send him one by December 1 so your picture can be included in the directory instead of a shadow image. All other pictures were obtained from those taken at our Club meetings.

New Member Nameplates

If you are a new member who has not received your nameplate, please see Bob Zrebiec at any meeting

Lathe Shield / Library Display

We have had a great safety record and the shield should help us maintain that. Besides a large plexiglass window, the shield features a shelf for display of the demonstrator’s items and also two shelves on which DVD’s and books from our Club Library will be displayed. If you see any you like you can take them home with you till our next meeting by signing them out in our Library Record Book. There is no charge for this service but please bring the items borrowed back undamaged for the next meeting so that others can borrow them. A complete list of the contents of our library can be found on our website under the Resources tab.

Anchorseal for sale

Our new 55 gallon drum is set up and ready to pour! Last time I checked, Woodcraft was selling Anchorseal for $27.30 (incl. tax) a gallon.  Our price is still only $20 a gallon and $10.00 a half gallon.  Members who are interested should bring their own containers (No glass containers cause we just know you’re going to drop it!) and should talk to Tom Sell or Bob Zerbiec.  If you take some for legit club use, let Bob know so he can keep track of usage. If anyone has a suitable container they dont need, bring it in so the club can give it to someone who doesnt have one.

If you have library items checked out, please bring them back this meeting. You can always check them out again but we need to see where our videos are. Thanks for your cooperation!

Community Service Projects Committee Update.

Thank you to all who have donated to the Community Service Projects

Please consider bring an item or two to the next meeting for the Community Service Projects donations.   It’s our way of giving back to the community and helping worthy causes.  Our contributions also, showcase the club’s talents and skills in woodturning.

THEY appreciate your help.

Your past donations have gone to the following:

Wig Stand donation to PMH Cancer Center

Left to Right:   Doug Davis, Paula Garton, Vicki Hughes, Susan Zuk, Robert Zrebiec


Check out the library

The club’s library is a great no-cost resource; want  to see what’s in the library?  Clink the link below to the website and resources section for books and DVD’s.  The books and DVD’s can be checked out by contacting Rich Marcinek at [email protected]
Keystone Woodturners Library 

Wondering why your images aren’t displayed in the website gallery?

It is simply because you haven’t sent your pictures to Mark Hall.

The Gallery is designed to display your work.  Mark Hall will be happy to create a “shelf” for your work but the images must first be sent to Mark at [email protected]

Keystone Woodturners Members’ Gallery

As winter approaches, just a reminder for you to check our facebook page for weather related cancellations.

If we get lots of snow this winter or ice, parking can be an issue at Joes so you may need to park at the Seven Stars and shuttle in.