Category Archives: news

March 2019

Next Meeting, Wednesday,
March 20th, 2019 @ 7:00PM

This Month’s Agenda:

Welcome: Doug Davis,
President Keystone Woodturners
Brief notes of interest to all members.

Final chance to pay your dues prior to being dropped from the membership roster. Also please remember to be working on the Colonial Plantation bowls.

We need more suggestions for tip topics, both from newer turners and especially from older turners who often know things that newer turners dont even know they need to learn. Fill out a form at the meeting


The ‘Tip of the month’ will be on the Beale buff system.
This months demo will be an open discussion of safety concerns and practices.

Show and Tell

Bring in your latest turned item and tell the members about it. Wood type, finish, and any challenges you had with the piece are of interest to us all. We all enjoy hearing about our members’ turned items. And seeing what you’ve accomplished often gives the rest of us ideas to try as well.


Have something that you no longer need, use, or that’s just cluttering-up your shop (or maybe your liquor cabinet?) Bring it in for the raffle! Surely, someone will see its value just the way you once did.
