Category Archives: news

May 2018

In this issue:

Next Meeting, Wednesday, 
May 16, 2018 @ 7:00PM

This Month’s Agenda:

Welcome: Doug Davis,
President Keystone Woodturners
Brief notes of interest to all members.

No Demo this month- It’s wood auction time!!!!   

Show and Tell

No Show and Tell this month- It’s wood auction time!!!! 


No Raffle this month- It’s wood auction time!!!! 


The regularly scheduled May meeting will be the Wood Action

Bring something that other members would want to buy, it should be good enough that it hurts a little. It should be wood – save the tools and the Scotch for the raffle! You may drop it off at the shop anytime from this next meeting to the auction day. Please label the wood species – not all of us are able to guess correctly! Cardboard and staples work well. This is the clubs major fundraiser so be generous!

Payments are accepted in:

  1. Cash
    ($1’s, $5’s, $10’s and $20’s please) 
  2. Checks made out to the club.
Only active members (have you paid your dues?) can bid in the auction however we will take wood donations from anyone.

Beads of Courage bowls

These are due at this months meeting.

New Member Nameplates

If you are a new member who has not received your nameplate, please see Bob Zrebiec at any meeting.

Wharton Esherick

The theme this year is stools, and
entries will be accepted until
July 1, 2018.  Here’s the link to
details on their website

Lathe Shield / Library Display

Bob Zrebiec has build a lathe shield for use during our demonstrations and it will be in place this month. We have had a great safety record and the shield should help us maintain that. Besides a large plexiglass window, the shield features a shelf for display of the demonstrator’s items and also two shelves on which DVD’s and books from our Club Library will be displayed. If you see any you like you can take them home with you till our next meeting by signing them out in our Library Record Book. There is no charge for this service but please bring the items borrowed back undamaged for the next meeting so that others can borrow them. A complete list of the contents of our library can be found on our website under the Resources tab.

2018 Annual Dues Collection

The Treasurer began collecting the 2018 dues at the November meeting.  Unfortunately, during the past few years, the dues collecting process has gone well into the summer. 
Dues are now overdue
If you are unable to attend this month’s meeting, please mail your dues to our Treasurer Bob Zrebiec at 15 Carrie Lane, Malvern, PA. Checks should be addressed to The Keystone Woodturners.


Anchorseal for sale

 Many of the newer members are likely unaware of this bargain.  We have just finished off the our 55 gallon drum and have ordered a new one which we hope is delivered by the wood auction.
Last time I checked, Woodcraft was selling Anchorseal for $27.30 (incl. tax) a gallon.  Our price is still only $18 a gallon, $10.00 a half gallon and $5 a quart.  Members who are interested should bring their own containers and should talk to Tom Sell or Bob Zerbiec.  



In this video, Brendan Stemp shares his process to turn a natural edge bowl and how to deal with safety concerns.

Natural Edge Orange Box Bowl featuring Brenden Stemp (27:21)

Announcing the 3rd Annual Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium

Friday Sept. 28 – Sunday Sept. 30, 2018
Registration is now open!
Friday evening – Meet the Demonstrators session
Women in Turning Meeting
The Lancaster Marriott / Convention Center at Penn Square
Book Now

Please join us for our 2018 symposium featuring these great demonstrators.
John Jordan
Michael Kehs
Malcolm Tibbetts
Beth Ireland
Art Liestman
Mark St. Leger
Check out our Facebook page

Community Service Project Committee update

Last month a donation was made to Cuddle My Kids  
We donated last year. Below is a copy of the request for this year 

Cuddle My Kids Annual Awards Dinner. This year’s Annual Awards Dinner and Reception will be held on Thursday, March 22, 2018 at The Desmond Hotel in Malvern, PA.

Your financial support in 2017 enabled us to introduce two new support programs which include:
Therapeutic Art Journaling
Cancer Comfort Kits

Your generosity has enabled us to continue to meet the needs of our families by being an effective and reliable resource for them. Most importantly, your support allows us to maintain FREE services to all families in cancer treatment. CMK helps families by increasing the QUALITY of life for parents and their children during this difficult time. We connect with them on a personal level, through personal interaction, providing a break to the chaos of cancer.

We hope you will consider supporting us with your tax-deductible donation. We will gladly accept both monetary donations and items/services to be auctioned off during our event. We greatly appreciate your generous gift of: Custom Made lathe turned Cherry Wooden Bowl ($60.00), Walnut lathe turned custom made Wooden Bowl ($75.00) at last year’s auction and would be honored by your continued support.

Below is picture of Wendy King, Event Coordinator, Cuddle My Kids and the items donated this year. 

Check out the library

The club’s library is a great no-cost resource; want  to see what’s in the library?  Clink the link below to the website and resources section for books and DVD’s.  The books and DVD’s can be checked out by contacting Rich Marcinek at [email protected]
Keystone Woodturners Library 


Wondering why your images aren’t displayed in the website gallery?

It is simply because you haven’t sent your pictures to Mark Hall.
The Gallery is designed to display your work.  Mark Hall will be happy to create a “shelf” for your work but the images must first be sent to Mark at [email protected]

Keystone Woodturners Members’ Gallery


In his article, “Working with Burls: Natural-edge Hollow Vessels,” by Mike Jackofsky, from the April 2012 issue of American Woodturner, Mike shares his experience-honed secrets to successfully turning burls into hollow vessels. He explains that working with burls to make hollow vessels with natural edges can be very rewarding – and be very frustrating. Mike says each piece teaches him something new. This article explains Mike’s process from mounting and turning between centers through drying and finishing.

Upcoming Events

May 2018

  • May 16, 2018,  Keystone Woodturners meeting. Wood auction!

June 2018

  • June 20, 2018,  Keystone Woodturners meeting. Mike Kuterbach is demoing a coring tool!

July 2018

  • July 18, 2018,  Keystone Woodturners meeting.

We welcome suggestions and items for the website.  
If you are scheduled for a show or displaying your work somewhere, let us know so we can add it to the website. 

Kevin Lavigne, Secretary  [email protected]
Tom Sell, Assistant Secretary  [email protected]

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