Demo – Craig Timmerman – Torus Vase
One of the advantages of the ZOOM meeting format is that we can get demonstrators from far and wide. This month Craig Timmerman will be demoing how to turn a torus vase, live from Texas, a state which is both far and wide.
Craig has been a full-time artist and production wood turner since 2008. In addition to demonstrating and teaching at many AAW chapters, he has demonstrated at AAW Symposiums, numerous SWAT symposiums, the Utah Symposium, the North Dakota Symposium, and the Rocky Mountain Symposium. He was recently featured in the April edition of the AAW American Woodturner magazine. Craig started the Armadillo Woodworks YouTube channel and is setup to do remote, interactive demos.
Click Here to see Craig’s website Armadillo Woodworks
Click Here for the Torus demo handout
Click Here to see a list of Craig’s five most requested demos.