Category Archives: Posts

July Meeting

July Meeting Wednesday July 21 at 7:00. 

This month’s meeting will be both live and via Zoom. For those of you who would like to be at the meeting, please come at your own discretion. Masks are encouraged in the event that it is too hot in Joe’s shop to open the garage door.

Zoom meeting will be available to join at 6:30. 
To Join the May ZOOM Meeting press here

Show and Tell

Show and Tell will occur after the Demo. Please send in pics to Thomas Scurto-Davis <[email protected]>  

July Demo: Barry Price – Spiraling Jig

Our demonstrator will be Barry Price. Barry is the Secretary of the Lancaster Area Woodturners.  Barry, a former Viet Nam medi-vac pilot and retired NASA aerospace engineer, has used his engineering knowledge to build many different and useful jigs for woodworking and will be showing us his latest, a spiraling jig for the lathe utilizing a Harbor Freight laminate trimmer.   

The President’s Challenge to line up with Barry’s demo is to make a spiral piece and offer it for show and tell at the July meeting, then we’ll see if Barry’s device could have made it easier!



August Meeting – Battletop Battle Royale!
Club member and former KW president, Rob Shafer, recently made a video introduction to this friendly contest and shows how to turn a top for competition.  You can watch that video, in preparation for making your own destructive creation, on the clubs website. Dare to destroy with your own spinning toy!


Keystone Wood and Art Auction Was a Success!
(Photo of 2019 Wood Auction – Keystone Archives)

This year’s wood and art auction raised over $4,300 for the club – a new record!  A big THANK YOU again to all those who made our annual wood auction a huge success including: 
– All those who brought items for auction
– Dave Souza for his kind hospitality
– Carol and Mark Hall for figuring out how to create an online auction and to Carol for taking silent auction bids through her phone on the night, 
– Danielle Barbour for hustling her many professional contacts to generate donated items that really made this auction kickazz, 
– Karl Brachwitz, debonair auctioneer extraordinaire for keeping everything on track and motivating unprecedented bidder generosity, not to mention acting in his own right as a frequent winning bidder (Thomas is still a bit miffed that he outbid him for that Livingstone piece).  
– But mostly, THANK EACH OF YOU for pulling out your wallets and making generous bids on everything.  Your support of the club is one of the things that allows us to bring in such a diverse set of talents to demonstrate the art of turning to all of us.


Tools for Sale
Thomas Schlenker <[email protected]> is moving & down-sizing, and is selling his shop equipment. His tools were only used as a hobbyist.  All items are in excellent condition with accuracy you can trust

Check out the tools he’s selling HERE


We have Anchor Seal available for sale.  We will be selling it at meetings or you can arrange to pick up a pre-packaged Gallon ($20) or Half Gallon ($10).  We are also gratefully accepting container donations.


If you Haven’t Paid Your Dues Yet…
Please remember that Keystone membership has both its rewards and its costs.  if you still haven’t paid your membership dues for 2021 reach out to Gary Johnson to make your account good.  He will have the card reader at the meeting so anyone who needs to can pay with credit card.


Demonstrators Wanted!

Do you have a demonstration you’d like to share with Keystone Woodturners this year? Perhaps some tips and tricks you have learned during quarantine that will bring new skills to the group? Or a new technique that we would all enjoy seeing? 

Keystone Woodturners is looking for demonstrators for this summer and fall.  We are hopeful about starting to meet at Joe’s after the June Wood auction (which will be at Dave Sousa’s house).  We need some in-house content! There is so much talent in our group,  so let’s get back on a groove of sharing it.

This is a great, safe space to practice your full length demo (1 – 1.5 hours) .  Or we can combine several short demos into one meeting.   Set you creativity free!  Your demo doesn’t have to be like any that we’ve seen. 

Call or email Carol Hall with your ideas!  [email protected]
(610) 256-1888. 

Let’s all get back to having a creative, skillful, and sharing group.   


Penn State Industries is now offering a Club Member Discount program. Our club is a part of this program which offers registered club members a 10% discount off their regular purchase price (including already discounted/sales items).  In addition they offer clubs gift certificates, and products for monthly raffles and auctions and even possible sponsorship of club events.  To join the program they do require your contact info.  They do not share or sell your contact info with third parties, info is simply kept for PSI to ensure you are part of the program (and likely to direct market to Discount Program Members).  

If you are interested in participating in this program, please email [email protected] with your first and last names, email, telephone, address, city, state, and zip code and Thomas will add you to our club’s list.


Zoom Info for 2021

Thomas Scurto-Davis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Keystone Woodturners

 Every month on the Third Wed, until Aug 18, 2021
        May 19, 2021 06:30 PM
        Jun 16, 2021 06:30 PM
        Jul 21, 2021 06:30 PM
        Aug 18, 2021 06:30 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 2286 5058
Passcode: 180766