Category Archives: Posts

February Meeting

Meeting Wednesday Feb 17 @ 6:00 (Note Earlier Time!)

This month we will be sharing a demo with the Mid Maryland Wood Turning Club.  We will be using Mid Maryland Woodturners’ ZOOM account.  

The demonstrator is John Beaver, and he will be demoing his Flying Rib Vase. 

A group of four vases and bowls on display.

Members should login using their name.  The Zoom meeting limit is 100 participants.  If the number of participants reaches 90, names will be cross referenced with membership lists and non members will be asked to leave.

Meeting Agenda
6:00 – 6:45  Inter club chat
6:45 – 7:05  MMWTC Business Meeting / Show & Tell
7:05 – 7:25  Keystone Woodturners Meeting / Show & Tell
7:25 – 7:30  Break
7:30 – 9:30  Flying Rib Vase Demo