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Souza Says

We are having a mid-month, in person Keystone learning get together (we really need a good name for this. person who send me the best name for these [that we use], in the next week gets free 2021 membership. Submit to [email protected]) THIS WEDNESDAY Nov, 4th at 7pm.

Have you ever been given a hunk of unidentified wood that you love but are afraid to bring to a meeting in finished form because Yak will yell at you for not putting the species name on the bottom of your piece?  Have you ever found a scrap in that big bin at your favorite lumber distributor that is absolutely exquisite, but so small you can’t even make a pen out of it and don’t know what it is to ask for it on your next visit?

Then, this M4 (Mid-Month Member Meeting) is for you! This week is a Stump the Chump Challenge.  Bring in any wood you can’t identify and Dave Souza and some others will try to identify it for you.  Dave will talk about what he looks for when looking at a piece of wood he hasn’t seen before. Whether it’s growth rings, ray fleck, color variation, early wood tracheids, specific gravity, or thermal conductivity, there are many clues to identifying wood. You may not want to know any of them, you might just want to know what it is, that’s fine. Bring it in and we’ll see what we can discover

We only have room for 20 registrants and will take them on a first come, first served basis when you register here:  But don’t worry, if you don’t get in early, we will still be broadcasting the gathering via Zoom. 

If you aren’t in person, we can’t identify your wood (Dave’s not a magician, or an alchemist), but because of our new tech set up, you will be able to see up close and well lit, the wood we’re discussing.  You might even learn something!

So, BRING IT IN AND BRING IT ON, Dave’s waiting!  And, oh yeah, we will have “show and tell”, so if you’re coming don’t forget to bring a piece to share, whether critiqued or not!

Here’s the link to the meeting:

The id is 856 5877 9025

The passcode is 840989

Hope we see you there.  Don’t forget, November 18ths meeting is a celebration of all things inside out.  Brian McGuire has put together a gang of four to dazzle you with all things inside out and maybe some things upside down.  Watch Brian, Tom Schlenker, Michael Kehs and Mike Kuterbach discuss techniques, tips, tricks and flying chips from the comfort of your favorite lounger.  Meeting login available at 6:30, meeting starts at 7pm.