Presidents Challenge!!!
Ornaments are due! I cant wait to see all the different ideas you all come up with! the prize for the most Ornaments gets a gift certificate to Craft Supplies USA!!
(prize will be split in case of a tie)
The tree these are all for will be lit on Fri. Dec 7 at 3:00 pm and viewable until Sat. evening.
The event is at Boyertown Multi Services at:
200 W Spring St, Boyertown.
You can buy tickets to win our tree or any other that you choose, drawing on Sat. at 2pm.
Our tree is the best but the others are pretty nice also!
First quarter 2019 Presidents Challenge!
The Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation, a non-profit historical organization near Newtown Square, to whom the Club has offered help in the past, had a 250 year Sycamore tree fall during the last storm. The fallen tree has prevented safe access to the Plantation entrance and resulted in the closing the site for several weeks. In addition to the loss of revenue, the substantial tree removal cost has severely strained their budget and their Director has asked if the Keystone Woodturners could help in some way. The Plantation would like to offer bowls we’ve made from the wood of this historic tree to twenty or so of their largest donors as they solicit funds from the community to help cover the costs of the tree’s removal. Use your imagination, bowl, hollow form, vase, or box the Plantation will use our donations in some form to off set the cost of the tree removal. Your turned Sycamore items will be due April 2019.
With the approval of the Keystone Woodturners’ Board, it’s been decided that we will provide turned bowls from the fallen tree as a Presidents Challenge for the Spring of 2019. The wood, in the form of pre-split logs, will be distributed at the next two meetings and our members, we hope, will rough-turn the wood, allow it to dry, and finish-turn in late spring. The bowls will be collected at a spring meeting devoted to comparing the creativity, forms, and uniqueness of our members’ talents, all using the same wood. The finished bowls will then be presented to the Plantation for them to distribute to their major donors. As mentioned at the October meeting Jennifer Green, director of the Farm, will provide a one day pass for four to all who donate a Sycamore item
Wood from the Plantation will be available at the October and November meeting. Here is the first load cut.

There are still a few more pieces of Sycamore logs available outside Joe McCann’s shop!